Documentary, Narrative, Campaigns, Commercials, Online Courses, Anthem Videos

Documentary Locations

Africa: Congo, Uganda, Sudan, Kenya; South America: Peru, Panama, Costa Rica; Asia: Thailand, Beijing; Europe: Belgium, UK; North America: New York, California, Oregon, Washington, Ohio, North Carolina, DC, Virginia, Colorado, Texas, Tennessee, Utah, Hawaii


Non-Profit Foundations: Kiss the Ground, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Citizen Festival, Elemental Excelerator, The Shoah Foundation, United Nations Foundation, Abundance Foundation, American Addiction Centers, Path Project, Miles of Freedom, Thistle Farms Companies: MindBodyGreen, NowThis, TEDx, Earthshot, Newport Academy, Electric Zoo, ChargerHelp!, Cambrian, Rally, Earthshot, Dimensional Energy, Matter., Stem, Vibrant Planet, Planet Fwd., Carbon Cure.


Founded: Mystery School (Current), Global Poverty Project (Global Citizen Festival) 2011-2014, Invisible Children (Kony 2012) 2003-2011